Friday 15 February 2013

My train ride - Part 3

Salam...hi all

Here we go again..0905hrs in a crowded train. I boarded the last coach all the way to end thinking that there’ll be less people in it...*beep…wrong! Its full too! hmm…my luck... :-)

And today I was ‘served’ with a group of ‘makcik and pakcik’…at least 12 of them….average age probably early to mid 60’s..its like a group of “Rombongan Mak Leha ke KLCC”..they look very happy ...
talking and teasing each of the ‘makcik’ sitting next to the hubby was busy showing him some stuff on her Ipad. ‘Makcik’ using Ipad! Fancy lah ‘makcik’ ni…she was swiping the screen, changing from one page to another…very fast fingers...very IT savvy...And the rest of the ‘makcik and pakcik’; some busy on the phone/sending and reading sms and continuously teasing each other. They were very cute and I gave a smile to them before I disembark…

Moral of the story: Learning process never stops. Age is no barrier to learn something new. And…life is too short…live life to the fullest...if ‘makcik and pakcik’ can do can we.. :-)

Posted on FB Jan 25th, 2013

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