Salam…hi all…happy Friday…Day of all Days…
Ehem ehem…I just need to clear my throat before I continue writing on the above topic. This topic is so sensitive to the female “species” and I may leave myself wide open for a lot of whacking…oh dear…here we go…
Why women are so obsess with their weight and age? Have you ever wondered? If you ask a woman on their weight and age (if you dare or if you got the b***s of steel to ask…), will they give you a straight answer; the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me god?
A female friend once told me; “No one is more aware of the fact that I’ve gained weight than me, because I go to my wardrobe on a daily basis and hell no I’m not gonna make an announcement that my waist line just grew another inch! Not even to my hubby!”
She is not the only one, obviously, but most women are very secretive. If you ask them the question they will give you a number that they wish it’s the truth. They’ll reduce the number by at least 15% from the actual weight. Assume actual weight is 60kg, they will tell you that they weigh only 50kg! And they will say it with lots of confident straight to your face so you’ll believe them.
Would you believe me if I say that if a group of women sits together at a table, the most preferred topic that they will talk about is hot gossip or men in general or sex!? True or false? They won’t talk about weight loss program or dietary supplement or some diet juice recipe! No way! Why? Because they can call a bluff! On this specific topic, a woman can’t lie to another woman. It won’t work! It’s called woman’s intuition.
They become paranoid, stress and panicking the minute they realize that they have gained some kilos. Of which they didn’t realize that by worrying and thinking about the issue too much it will only resulted to stress. And stress will lead to hormone imbalance. And hormone imbalance will lead to? Your body resist to burn fat! And you’ll continue to eat and eat and eat! The end result is; here comes the fat….going sideways…unfortunately…the truth hurts…
What I’ve failed to understand is; rather than you spend too much time worrying about your weight, just go back to the very basic. I.e. Eat moderately, spare some time to exercise, sleep well…(for a start…)

Same goes to their age. Another sensitive issue! Women hate to talk about their age, what more in the presence of a male species!
If you ask a lady on her age; the most common answer is “Pick a wild guess!?”
Oh dear…this is a very dangerous respond; a question as an answer. Guys, if you are reading this; and if you are on a first date; never ever ask a lady on her age. Never! It’s a curse! It’s a sin!
She’ll not pick up your call the next day. To her; you are just being plain rude. Period!
But if you insist on responding; pick the lowest number possible. So long as the number doesn’t sound like you are trying too hard to impress her.
As for me, I’ll say that I’m pretty lucky. I can gain easily and I can also lose weight easily. Last year during the Fasting month, I lost 8kg! But after the Eid Fitri celebration, I gained back. And now, I’m trying to lose at least 5kg.
My method is simple; I eat moderately, I’ll try to spend some time to exercise and I sleep at least 6 hours a day. Alhamdulillah…thanks to the almighty it’s working.
Ladies, my two cents, if you lead a simple and a happy life you’ll discover that age is just a number. Yes, I agreed that weight is about one’s appearance. However, if you are not happy in the “inside” you’ll than realize that beauty is just skin deep.
The minute you understand the meaning of leading a happy life; your inner beauty will shine.
But how can a person lead a happy life? An answer within you…
Moral of the story: Help yourself to be what you want to be coz nobody can help you…
P/S: There will be no posting on Saturday and Sunday…its “me’ time with the family… J
uuurrkkkkk sy nak kurus gak!
moral of the story: manusia byk yg xbersyukur. tua mali, xcantik pun malu. kot la??? #mysilltot
You forgot something... we do talk about to change our faces and body dramatically such as nose job, boobs job, tummy tuck, botox... bla bla... and I think it's not because of we r not satisfied with ourselves, it's just that we want to make it better and to feel better towards ourselves. for sure it will be different case if you transform everything for your spouse or partner. However, everyone has their own ways to make them feel happy, right?
LOL! Well said...Olivia...people do things for different reasons...most for self-satisfaction
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