Is there anyone out there coz it’s getting harder and harder to breathe….sing it like you mean it babe!
Yes, it’s from a lyric of a song. Its Maroon 5 “Harder To Breathe”…
Salam..hi all..
I didn’t take the train today. I had to meet someone in Bandar Sri Damansara and there’s no train service to that area so I had to drive…hate it! But the traffic loves me dearly…amazingly! Driving was a breeze…I wound down the window and enjoyed the morning air…KL oh KL…traffic is so unpredictable…
Last night a dear friend called for a drink – Teh Tarik (its tea mix with milk and the Mamak or the Indian Muslim in Malaysia call it; Teh Tarik or the direct translation is Pull Tea! WTH! LOL!)
Mamak oh Mamak…can’t live without them…they came to Malaysia and reinvent everything from tea to “Roti Canai” and many more.
Many years ago I spent some time in Hyderabad and Chennai, India for work. And the Indians there don’t even know what “teh tarik” or “Roti Canai” is. Roti Canai is better known as Roti Pharata. But I guess the Indian Muslim in Malaysia had to have their identity…
Roti Canai – Roti Pharata, Potaytoes – Potatoes, Tomaytoes – Tomatoes…all the same… J
Coming back to my outing last night, as I parked the car and walk towards the “mamak” shop, I saw a homeless old man and his young child sitting by the pavement. Trying to figure out where to sleep…sad…so sad…
I stop and approached him and said:
Me: Kenapa tak pergi ke Masjid atau ke Balai Raya di Kampung Baru..dekat je dari sini (Why don’t you go to a Mosque or Community Hall in Kampung Baru? Its nearby…)
Me: Kesian kan anak awak…(Pity your kid)
He just ignored me. Maybe he doesn’t understand what I’m saying? Maybe he is not Malay?
Me: Dah makan? (Have you eaten?)
He ignored me again…I pulled out my wallet to look for some money and I only have $10 ringgit in 2 Five’s…oh dear…
Me: Ambil ni $5 pergi makan dgn anak…(Take this $5 and eat with your child)
He took the money and smile…he didn’t say thank you…I take it that he doesn’t speak Malay or English…so its high probability he is a foreigner…
And I walked away…
It reminds me of my days living in the States. During winter, Chicago can be very very bad! Temperature drop to minus and sometime it’s not only snowing but more like blizzard! And Chicago is known as a Windy City. The wind chill is just unbearable. I lived approximately an hour from downtown Chicago in a suburb called Naperville.

Moral of the story:
Adam Levine - Its getting cold out there and I’ve got nobody to love…
As for the homeless man and his child – It’s getting cold out there and nobody cares…
Be thankful on what you have…
Have a good day peeps!
i wont miss it even at this hour...
Thank you Zai...
I read somewhere abt mamak's business turnover around 8 BILLION a year! That numbers are fr registered mamak. Tak masuk lg non-registered as members...
true Muizz...damn good business
Thank you Zai...Muizz, its a damn good business bro...damn good :-)
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