Tok Selampit is late today…took my own sweet time. My appointment rescheduled to 3.15pm and that gives me the opportunity to perform Friday prayer with my son. :-)Family from Johor came to KL yesterday. Earlier this morning they called and invited us for breakfast at Nasi Lemak Mak Wanjor in Kampung Baru. I had Nasi Lemak with sotong and telur. Extra sambal! Mak oi…happening!
Remember what I said in my earlier posting? Never
So, today I took the 2.50pm train. It’s full! But from the way they dress; I doubt these people are going to work and most get off at KLCC. What is going on in KLCC that I’m not aware off? PC Fair? Is there a good movie playing on screen now? Isetan or Parkson sale? Lucky sods! Here I am rushing to meet someone to seek a consulting work…sigh…
Oh well…
It has been 2 weeks since I started writing short stories on my FB wall. Yesterday alone I received 91 messages and to date; I have received 187 messages thru FB inbox! These are the readers that prefer not to post any comment. I guess they just enjoy reading it. 99 % were very supportive and only 1% condemn and hate my writing for some reasons that they prefer to keep it to themselves. Everybody have the rights to their own opinion and I don’t intend to please everyone coz I’m not seeking popularity.
187 messages! Wow…a shocker! I didn’t realize that there were so many people reading my writing. It feels good thou; proud to be honest. And yesterday a good friend sends a message thru whatsapp. She is really pushing me to start a blog. Another friend suggested to me to write about politics! Huh!? Politics?! Hell no! We’ve been fed enough with politic stories on TV, internet and newspaper on a daily basis and I don’t think we need more of it… do we?
FYI, a few messages from female FB friends requested my opinion on sexual harassment, on birth control, abortion, elope, drug and child abuse. There were also some friends seeking my opinion about Islam and religion in general! For real? I’m no Ustaz lah…
Do I look like Azhar Idrus or Fadhillah Kamsah to you? (I’m better looking obviously...LOL!) My knowledge on religion is not even 1% of Azhar Idrus! Religion is something way to sensitive to write. Without good knowledge I may feed you with misleading information. So, let me just stick to writing about life in general…ok?
Btw, I saw a young teenage boy helping a blind lady crossing the road earlier at the station. How nice…His parents have thought him well...
And talking about manners; the society now are a bit lost on mannerism don’t you think?
Take the train station for example. Announcement made repeatedly over the PA that to allow the arriving passengers to disembark before we board. But nooooo….everyone rushes in when the door opens! Is this the culture of Malaysian? Who should we blame? Parents? Teachers?
I strongly believe that education begins at home. Manners are something to be thought by the parents. We can’t just dump everything on the teachers head. For a start; let’s teach our kids to say “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “I’m sorry” of which these are the very basic in our day to day life…
Moral of the story: Parents must lead by example….
Have a good weekend peeps!
Posted on FB Feb 15th, 2013
Like: 12
Comments: 12
FB inbox: 9
None of us use the Malay culture manner whereby, when we wanted to pass thru the elderly person,we have to say," Saya tumpang lalu dulu ya..." or ifwe wanted to pass thru at the back of elderly, we say, " Saya tumpang lalu dibelakang ya"
or when we pass thru elderly in front of them we say, "Saya tumpang lalu ya" with the wayon half bend with our hand half bend as well...those manners are gone with the wind as most of youngster only like to stay on the internet rather than have a quality talk like we used to have. At least i used to have...
Unfortunately the new generation no longer practice such "adab"...sad...
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