Salam….hi all…
Tok Selampit is back on the train! And the train is crowded like a “sardine tin can”!
As I boarded the train, I had to squeeze myself thru to find a comfortable spot and got it! The usual spot! Standing of course…I’m no VIP.

Upon reaching Ampang Park Station, almost half of the passengers disembark and an old lady boarded the train and she stands next to me. She looks mid to late 60’s. She looks very worried and kept looking at the signage above the door trying very hard to read the names of the stations.
And I can’t help it but to approach her.
Me: Makcik ok? (Aunty, are you ok?)
Lady: Ok tapi susah hati nak turun ke station nanti. Tak tau arah nya. (I’m ok but just worried upon arrival later. I don’t know the direction)
Me: Makcik nak pergi mana ni? Pertama kali naik LRT? (Where do you want to go and is this your first time taking the LRT train?)
Lady: Ya, pertama kali. Tadi naik taxi dari Puduraya. Taxi turun kan makcik kat sini. Sekarang ni nak pergi ke Station Universiti. Nak jumpa anak. Anak makcik tinggal di Kampung Kerinchi. Dia masih belajar di UM. Makcik baru sampai dari Terengganu.(Yes, my first time and earlier I took the taxi from Puduraya and the driver drop me off here at this station and now I want to go to University Station to meet my son. He lives in Kampung Kerinchi and he is still a student at UM)
In my head I was asking myself why in the world the taxi driver drop her here at Ampang Park? sigh...
Me: Oh…tau ke nak turun nanti kat mana? Anak dah tunggu di station? Makcik tak ada nombor hp anak? (Do you know where to meet your son later? Do you have his hp number?)
Lady: Ini lah yang masalah nya. Bateri hp dah habis. Hp dah mati. Nombor dia pun makcik tak ingat. (This is the problem. My hp battery died and I can’t remember his hp number)
At this point I just realized I missed my stop! Oh dear…
Me: Tak pe lah. Saya pun dah terlepas station saya. Saya teman kan makcik sampai station. Lepas tu saya patah balik. (It’s ok. I’ve already missed my stop. I’ll accompany you to your stop than I’ll turn back)
Lady: Ya Allah…terima kasih lah. Makcik dah susah hati tadi (Ya Allah…thank you very much. I was very worried earlier)
Me: Tak pe…saya tolong makcik. (Its ok…I’ll help you)
At this point, she was telling me so much about her family back in Terengganu. Blah blah blah…da da da da…and I was just smiling and kept nodding my head.
As we reached University Station both of us disembark. And luckily the son was there waiting for her….pheeew…
We chat for a while and her sons thanked me and hug me for helping his mother. My job is done! It’s time for me to take the train again to go back to my original destination.
On the way back, I kept asking myself what if the lady is my mother. Would there be any Good Samaritan assisting her like I did earlier this morning? I’m sure there are many…it’s the Malaysian culture…(am I bluffing myself? I hope not……)
Moral of the story: You’ll find satisfaction by assisting others in-need…its time well spent…
Have a good day peeps!
sweet nya.. :)
Muizz...i'm a sweet guy lah..:-)
so sweet... ;-)
Cikgu..suggestion..try different title..sometimes by looking the title can ignite the suspens to read..hihi..
God made you ride the train with her. Wasn't coincidence. More people like you, the world would be awesome!! Salute cikgu!!
Thanks all...sang semut..see my 2 new postings :-)
I'm a sweet person...hehehe...thanks all for the comments. Sang Semut, true i was there at the right time to assist someone in-need. Thank you for your kind words.. :-)
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