Wednesday, 27 February 2013

My train ride - Part 16

Salam…hi all…

I'm back! Pheeww…finally I can log-in to my blog account. It has been 2 days I was like a mad man trying many ways to access to my account but to no avail. And today, the blog account loves me dearly… :-)

I left the house pretty early this morning to ensure myself on getting a parking spot. Dead wrong again! I was going circle and circle for 20 minutes to find a spot and luckily I managed to find one and it’s all the way back in basement 2. It’s pretty quiet there and its lack of lightings too. I started to wonder; is it safe to park here? There are no humans around….spooky…. :-)

I boarded the train at 0915hrs local KL time. It’s fairly full. But as expected and as usual; it’s very sombre mood on board. Everyone seems lost in their own world. And so I started to play my cell phone just like the rest.

I disembark at Dang Wangi Station. It’s only less than 7 minutes ride from Damai Station. Pulled out my Rapid KL card, swiped the card at the exit and off I went.

At the escalator to go up to the main entrance of the station, I was stop by a middle age couple…probably mid to late 50’s…well dress…

Man: Maaf Pak…mau nanya, kalo dari sini mau jalan kaki ke stasiun monorail lewat mana yah? (Excuse me sir, need to ask a question. How do we get to monorail station if we walk from here?)

Me: (Oh…the couple is Indonesian) Ya Pak..kalo dari sini gak jauh. Kurang lebih 10 - 15 minit kalo jalan kaki. (Yes sir, if you walk from here it’s only about 10 to 15 minutes)

It’s common for an Indonesian to address a person as Bapak or Pak; meaning “Mister or Sir” or some will address you as Mas; meaning “Brother or someone older…”

Man: Oh..Bapak bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia yah. Lancar yah…nama saya Hendra. Ini istri saya… Surti (Oh, you can speak Indonesian and fluent too…My name is Hendra and this is my wife, Surti) and he smile…

Me: Nama saya Shamsul….yah…lumayan lah Pak…dulu saya sering bolak balik Jakarta..Bali…karyawan, cari makan pak...(My name is Shamsul…yes I can speak Indonesian quite fluently. I used to go back and forth Jakarta…Bali…as an employee making an honest living)

Me: Emang nya saya mau ke arah yang sama. Yuk kita jalan bareng yah…bisa ngobrol ngobrol (I’m walking towards the same direction. Come, let’s walk together and we can continue our chat)

Man: Wah…makasih banget Pak…yuk…(Thank you very much sir…let’s go)

While we were walking towards the monorail station….being the usual “me”, I started a conversation….

Me: Bapak ama Ibu asli mana? Di KL berdua aja? Anak-anak gak ikut? (You and your wife originally from which part of Indonesia? Only the two of you? Where are your kids?)

Man: Oh…kalo saya asli Jakarta…istri saya asli Surabaya. Anak-anak saya gede gede semua nya pak..1 di Australi yang satu lagi di London…masih kuliah…dua cowok  (oh..I’m from Jakarta and my wife is from Surabaya. My kids are grown. One is in Australia and another one in London..both still studying and both are boys)

Me: Jakarta di daerah mana Pak…? (Which part of Jakarta…sir?)

Man: Saya di Tanggerang…pak…Kalo bapak ke Jakarta telpon saya dong pak…bisa saya jemput bapak di hotel kita makan sate! Saya ama keluarga sering makan di resto…kalau malam minggu. (I’m from Tanggerang district. And if you are in Jakarta, call me so I can pick you up from the hotel and we can have “satay”. My family and I always go out for dinner during the weekend)

Me: Wah…saya kalo ke Jakarta, yang saya suka makan di daerah Kebun Sireh..pak…nasi goreng nya! Mantap! (If I go to Jakarta, I love to eat at Kebun Sireh area…the fried rice! Excellent!)

Man: Nasi Goreng Kambing! (Fried rice with mutton meat !)

And we both laugh…..

Man: Bapak tau juga yah..nasi goreng kambing di Kebun Sireh? (You also know the Mutton Fried Rice in Kebun Sireh?)

Me: Ya  iya lah pak…saya suka makan pak…kalo di Jakarta saya sering ke Medan Baru, Sup Kondro di Kelapa Gading, Coto Makasar di daerah Tanah Abang, Restoran Garuda di Hayam Wuruk…ayam goreng nya…enak banget! Panas..panas! Pecel lele yang di samping Sarinah…sambel nya tuh…waduh..mantap pak…tenda biru tuh pak…di pinggir jalan…tapi enak sih…gak peduli ah…(Yes.. I love food. I like to eat. If in Jakarta, I always go to Medan Baru, Soup Kondro in Kelapa Gading, Coto Makasar in Tanah Abang district, Garuda Restaurant in Hayam Wuruk…the fried chicken is very delicious! And they serve it hot! Pecel Lele near Sarinah. The “sambal” (chilli paste) is so delicious. It’s a shop by the road side. But I don’t care)

Man: Ya ampuuuun….bapak tau semua nih…gak perlu saya nih…(Oh goodness…you know everything…you wouldn’t need me) and we laugh…..

Man: Pak, ini kartu saya…telpon saya yah kalo ke Jakarta. Kita makan makan…(This is my card, call me if you are in Jakarta so we can go out for dinner)

Me: Insyallah…pasti pak…ini nomor hp saya…(Insyallah..God willing…I’ll call you. This is my hp number)

At this point, I showed him the entrance to the station and assist him to buy the train tickets…

Man: Makasih pak yah…sampai ketemu lagi…(Thank you…till we meet again..)

Me: Sama-sama pak…Kalo saya ke Jakarta saya pasti telpon bapak yah…(You are welcome…if I'm in Jakarta, I’ll call you)

I walked away…crossed the road to Concorde Hotel…and I was thinking to myself; people seems comfortable to approach me. Is there a sign on top of head saying; “if you need help, I'm your best option”? 

Weird but funny thou…

But I always enjoyed it. It gives me an opportunity to get to know new people.

My father used to tell me; if you are nice to people, they will be nicer to you and you lose nothing to help others…

Moral of the story: Being a Good Samaritan is not something you can learn from a book…

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Be honest or lie?

Is honesty the best policy? A million dollar question it is. Is there such thing as “white lies”?
One of the most honest persons I’ve ever known recently said to me, "I struggle with honesty every day of my life." I was both surprised and curious at his remark, so we ended up having a long talk about it. I went away from that discussion realizing that all of us are caught in a battle between right and wrong, good and evil. They’re life forces that have been around since the beginning of time, and it’s impossible to escape being in the middle. That’s exactly where we were placed and we have to make a choice; seldom tough.

Sadly, we’re surrounded by all forms of dishonesty. Even more sad is seeing that what we can "get away with" has practically become a sport. Being able to "pull off" something is often considered an achievement, a feat worth openly bragging about. Proud!

Only the dumb or unlucky ones get caught. "Everybody’s doing it" once said by a friend. To reinforce it, there are a number of movies and TV programs which seem to glorify deceit and deception. They virtually exalt them to fine arts. To top it all off, the advertising world bombards us daily with not-so-subtle messages that we should be someone other than our real selves in order to make a good impression on others.

Another reason we all struggle with honesty is that it’s hard work. It requires more time, thought and energy than we’re sometimes willing to expend. Every day, we get a steady barrage of messages that we deserve things, we should have them now, and there’s a quick and easy way to get them. So we often choose expediency over integrity. Why slave away on an assignment when it’s easier and faster to copy someone else’s? Why follow all the rules in a business transaction when a little manoeuvring here and there can close the deal quicker?

Why re-invent the wheel? Its round enough!

We not only buy into the "everybody’s doing it" mentality but also develop a short-cut philosophy of life. Without realizing it, we become morally lazy. It’s easier and quicker to be dishonest.

Since our childhood, we are taught the importance of honesty and why we should be honest. We do try our level best to be honest to our parents, teachers, friends and almost everybody with whom we meet and succeed in achieving this. However, when we come across, how dishonesty helped some people achieve some great things quickly and in a better way than us, we tend to go the wrong way for quick success. This, often results in creating more problems, which sometimes cannot be solved at all.

Honesty is essential in each and everything we do to create a good impression and ensure the other person that we are capable and trustworthy. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a doctor, a business person or an employee, honesty takes a person a long way in the journey of life. Even if you find it difficult to perform well at your place of work or in studies, honest and sincere people are given many chances to prove themselves in their fields. In case of dishonest people, second chance is very rare to come because the society feels that he will keep on repeating his mistakes. Thus, this is a lesson to those people who think that honesty is not the best policy.
The honesty is the best policy quotes of eminent thinkers suggest that, one can gain respect in the society only by being honest. People adore only those who make consistent hard efforts to achieve their targets and overcome all the obstacles which may come in their way. Thus, once we enter the viscous circle of dishonesty, it becomes very difficult to come out of it and lead a normal life.
However, is honesty the best policy? Answer is yes, because instead of living a life under constant fear, we can live it with pride and honour with our head held high, if we follow the path of honesty. Being dishonest for a small gain is really not worth in the long term perspective considering the evils through which we have to go once we drift away from the right path. Is there such thing as “white lies”? Answer is no. You lie once, you’ll have to lie again to cover-up the first lie..and the cycles continues.

But there is also the other side of the coin of which we should consider. Sometimes, there are situations wherein you have to be dishonest to save yourself or someone else when we know that the person is innocent. In such cases, speaking lies may not come under 'Dishonesty' as we are not doing anything wrong. Thus, it depends entirely on the situation, and smart people realize and know how to deal with a difficult situation by not compromising on their principles and ideals. However, a dishonest way to protect yourself should not be made a habit and you should recall the values taught to you, if you feel like going with the wrong way by proper self-control.

Moral of the story: Honesty indeed takes a person to the level where he deserves to be…
Have a good day peeps!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Women, weight and age...

Salam…hi all…happy Friday…Day of all Days…
Ehem ehem…I just need to clear my throat before I continue writing on the above topic. This topic is so sensitive to the female “species” and I may leave myself wide open for a lot of whacking…oh dear…here we go…
Why women are so obsess with their weight and age? Have you ever wondered? If you ask a woman on their weight and age (if you dare or if you got the b***s of steel to ask…), will they give you a straight answer; the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me god?
A female friend once told me; “No one is more aware of the fact that I’ve gained weight than me, because I go to my wardrobe on a daily basis and hell no I’m not gonna make an announcement that my waist line just grew another inch! Not even to my hubby!”
She is not the only one, obviously, but most women are very secretive. If you ask them the question they will give you a number that they wish it’s the truth. They’ll reduce the number by at least 15% from the actual weight. Assume actual weight is 60kg, they will tell you that they weigh only 50kg! And they will say it with lots of confident straight to your face so you’ll believe them.
Would you believe me if I say that if a group of women sits together at a table, the most preferred topic that they will talk about is hot gossip or men in general or sex!? True or false? They won’t talk about weight loss program or dietary supplement or some diet juice recipe! No way! Why? Because they can call a bluff! On this specific topic, a woman can’t lie to another woman. It won’t work! It’s called woman’s intuition.
They become paranoid, stress and panicking the minute they realize that they have gained some kilos. Of which they didn’t realize that by worrying and thinking about the issue too much it will only resulted to stress. And stress will lead to hormone imbalance. And hormone imbalance will lead to? Your body resist to burn fat! And you’ll continue to eat and eat and eat! The end result is; here comes the fat….going sideways…unfortunately…the truth hurts…
What I’ve failed to understand is; rather than you spend too much time worrying about your weight, just go back to the very basic. I.e. Eat moderately, spare some time to exercise, sleep well…(for a start…)
Some female friends that I have known are just born lucky. They can eat so much and the weight still remains the same! The body metabolism must be working well burning fat very fast and working double overtime. Lucky you!
Same goes to their age. Another sensitive issue! Women hate to talk about their age, what more in the presence of a male species!
If you ask a lady on her age; the most common answer is “Pick a wild guess!?”
Oh dear…this is a very dangerous respond; a question as an answer. Guys, if you are reading this; and if you are on a first date; never ever ask a lady on her age. Never! It’s a curse! It’s a sin!
She’ll not pick up your call the next day. To her; you are just being plain rude. Period!
But if you insist on responding; pick the lowest number possible. So long as the number doesn’t sound like you are trying too hard to impress her.
As for me, I’ll say that I’m pretty lucky. I can gain easily and I can also lose weight easily. Last year during the Fasting month, I lost 8kg! But after the Eid Fitri celebration, I gained back. And now, I’m trying to lose at least 5kg.
My method is simple; I eat moderately, I’ll try to spend some time to exercise and I sleep at least 6 hours a day. Alhamdulillah…thanks to the almighty it’s working.
Ladies, my two cents, if you lead a simple and a happy life you’ll discover that age is just a number. Yes, I agreed that weight is about one’s appearance. However, if you are not happy in the “inside” you’ll than realize that beauty is just skin deep.
The minute you understand the meaning of leading a happy life; your inner beauty will shine.
But how can a person lead a happy life? An answer within you…
Moral of the story: Help yourself to be what you want to be coz nobody can help you…

P/S: There will be no posting on Saturday and Sunday…its “me’ time with the family… J
Have a good weekend peeps!

Beauty is skin deep? hmmmm...After looking at the picture above; I'm having second thoughts now...LOL!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

To leave or not to leave?

Salam…hi all…
I’m driving again today….sigh…and parking was a nightmare in Bangsar! I ended up at a basement parking that cost me $1 per hour…can’t complaint thou. It’s affordable.
I met a dear friend for breakfast at Devi’s (yes, it’s an Indian restaurant). And it just so happen that my youngest sister was in that area too and she joined us for a glass of “pull tea” :-) and thosai (it’s an Indian delicacies…it is something like Roti Canai but its thinner and less cholesterol…I was told. I’m not sure if it’s true).
We chat for 2 hours or so and it was an eye opener! They gave me lots of feedback and ideas on my next stories for my blog. To Sharina and my little sister; thank you. It was a time well spent with you both.
Last night at approximately 10.30pm, I received a bb message from a good friend (a lady). Shocked to be honest because for almost 5 years I’ve known her and her hubby, we never communicate over phone or bb or text messages in the late evening.  
And the chat goes like this (bbm language…I copy/paste from my bb…I just change her name):-
Friend: Hi…u up?
Me: Hi…yes…what’s up? U ok?
Friend: Not ok..need to chat. Free?
Me: o dear..yes can chat..H with you? (H is the hubby)
Friend: usual. Me alone. At home. I think my marriage is in trouble
Me: o my…I’m all ears…
Friend: Me and H hardly spend time together. He travel all the time and when he’s home he is too tied up with his mother.
Friend: You know that he is close to his mum…mummy’s boy..sigh..
Me: Yes...i know…but i thought you guys r staying on your own?
Friend: It was a plan…and still remain as plan…sigh..
Me: I remember once I had a chat with H and he did say and agreed that staying with the parents is not a long term plan for you both. What happen than?
Friend: Seems difficult for him to leave the house. His mum disagrees. She said wasting money. The house is big enough for everyone
Friend: But u know….we can’t even have our own hubby wife privacy…everything mum will get involve! I’m losing it!
Me: Hmmmm…(I’m speechless)
Friend: I don’t know what else to do
Friend: Tried to talk to H but he’s like stuck in the middle
Friend: What do u think I should do?
Friend: Maybe u can have a chat with H? Coz he listens to u
Me: Hmm…this is a very delicate situation…I dare not jump into this
Me: Unless H approaches me…u know what I mean..?
Friend: Yah…understand…but I’m losing patience. Can’t take it anymore! Everything mummy 1st, wife 2nd...
Me: Let me bb H...will try to start a conversation…lets c if he opens up…u know how H is....will give it a shot
Me: That’s all I can do…for now
Friend: Yes please…I love my marriage but I can’t stand his mum…too much!
Me: Understand…stay cool ok...try to talk to H again. U’ll never know…don’t stop trying
Friend: Ya ok…i will
Me: He loves u much…I know that…so give him a chance…speak to him
Friend: Yes…I know…
Me: Hang in there...ok..
Friend: Thanks yah…and bb him please…
Me: My pleasure…I will buzz him tomorrow
Me: Don’t think bout it 2 much…now…get some sleep
Friend: Yah ok…thanks SS…let me know if he responds to you
Me: Ok..will do…sleep now! Don’t think 2 much…Nite
Friend: Ok…nite
Conversation over bb ended at 11.18pm
This is a tough situation or issue to handle. The wife wants to leave but the hubby feels that his responsibility to the mother is more important than his own marriage.
I stayed with my parents for 3 years after I got married but I decided to move on for the benefit of everyone. But so far, I’ve never fail to visit my parents at least once a week during the weekend. To me; it’s not a matter of right or wrong to stay with the parents. It’s very subjective. The couple must decide what’s best for them. Staying on your own will not separate the ties between a son and a mother. Weigh all your options and reason things out with your parents. I’m sure they will understand that the time has come for them to let you go to lead your own life.
Moral of the story: You must know your priorities…
To H and wife; please talk it over….I’m sure you both can sort it out. Love you both dearly and if you need my help; you know how to get me... 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

It’s getting cold out there and I’ve got nobody to love…

Is there anyone out there coz it’s getting harder and harder to breathe….sing it like you mean it babe!
Yes, it’s from a lyric of a song. Its Maroon 5 “Harder To Breathe”…
Salam..hi all..
I didn’t take the train today. I had to meet someone in Bandar Sri Damansara and there’s no train service to that area so I had to drive…hate it! But the traffic loves me dearly…amazingly! Driving was a breeze…I wound down the window and enjoyed the morning air…KL oh KL…traffic is so unpredictable…
Last night a dear friend called for a drink – Teh Tarik (its tea mix with milk and the Mamak or the Indian Muslim in Malaysia call it; Teh Tarik or the direct translation is Pull Tea! WTH! LOL!)
Mamak oh Mamak…can’t live without them…they came to Malaysia and reinvent everything from tea to “Roti Canai” and many more.
Many years ago I spent some time in Hyderabad and Chennai, India for work. And the Indians there don’t even know what “teh tarik” or “Roti Canai” is. Roti Canai is better known as Roti Pharata. But I guess the Indian Muslim in Malaysia had to have their identity…
Roti Canai – Roti Pharata, Potaytoes – Potatoes, Tomaytoes – Tomatoes…all the same… J
Coming back to my outing last night, as I parked the car and walk towards the “mamak” shop, I saw a homeless old man and his young child sitting by the pavement. Trying to figure out where to sleep…sad…so sad…
I stop and approached him and said:
Me: Kenapa tak pergi ke Masjid atau ke Balai Raya di Kampung Baru..dekat je dari sini (Why don’t you go to a Mosque or Community Hall in Kampung Baru? Its nearby…)
Me: Kesian kan anak awak…(Pity your kid)
He just ignored me. Maybe he doesn’t understand what I’m saying? Maybe he is not Malay?
Me: Dah makan? (Have you eaten?)
He ignored me again…I pulled out my wallet to look for some money and I only have $10 ringgit in 2 Five’s…oh dear…
Me: Ambil ni $5 pergi makan dgn anak…(Take this $5 and eat with your child)
He took the money and smile…he didn’t say thank you…I take it that he doesn’t speak Malay or English…so its high probability he is a foreigner…
And I walked away…
It reminds me of my days living in the States. During winter, Chicago can be very very bad! Temperature drop to minus and sometime it’s not only snowing but more like blizzard! And Chicago is known as a Windy City. The wind chill is just unbearable. I lived approximately an hour from downtown Chicago in a suburb called Naperville.
The number of homeless people died in Chicago becomes three fold during winter! And luckily KL weather is very much opposite of Chicago….or else only god knows the fate of the homeless man and his child that I just bump into….
Moral of the story:
Adam Levine - Its getting cold out there and I’ve got nobody to love…
As for the homeless man and his child – It’s getting cold out there and nobody cares…
Be thankful on what you have…
Have a good day peeps!

Monday, 18 February 2013

My train ride - Part 15

Salam….hi all…
Tok Selampit is back on the train! And the train is crowded like a “sardine tin can”!
As I boarded the train, I had to squeeze myself thru to find a comfortable spot and got it! The usual spot! Standing of course…I’m no VIP.
It’s very much a sombre mood on board today. Nobody seems bothered to talk to each other. Some were taking a nap, some busy playing with their cell phone and some looks lost in their own world.
Upon reaching Ampang Park Station, almost half of the passengers disembark and an old lady boarded the train and she stands next to me. She looks mid to late 60’s. She looks very worried and kept looking at the signage above the door trying very hard to read the names of the stations.
And I can’t help it but to approach her.
Me: Makcik ok? (Aunty, are you ok?)
Lady: Ok tapi susah hati nak turun ke station nanti. Tak tau arah nya. (I’m ok but just worried upon arrival later. I don’t know the direction)
Me: Makcik nak pergi mana ni? Pertama kali naik LRT? (Where do you want to go and is this your first time taking the LRT train?)
Lady: Ya, pertama kali. Tadi naik taxi dari Puduraya. Taxi turun kan makcik kat sini. Sekarang ni nak pergi ke Station Universiti. Nak jumpa anak. Anak makcik tinggal di Kampung Kerinchi. Dia masih belajar di UM. Makcik baru sampai dari Terengganu.(Yes, my first time and earlier I took the taxi from Puduraya and the driver drop me off here at this station and now I want to go to University Station to meet my son. He lives in Kampung Kerinchi and he is still a student at UM)
In my head I was asking myself why in the world the taxi driver drop her here at Ampang Park? sigh... 
Me: Oh…tau ke nak turun nanti kat mana? Anak dah tunggu di station? Makcik tak ada nombor hp anak? (Do you know where to meet your son later? Do you have his hp number?)
Lady: Ini lah yang masalah nya. Bateri hp dah habis. Hp dah mati. Nombor dia pun makcik tak ingat.   (This is the problem. My hp battery died and I can’t remember his hp number)
At this point I just realized I missed my stop! Oh dear…
Me: Tak pe lah. Saya pun dah terlepas station saya. Saya teman kan makcik sampai station. Lepas tu saya patah balik. (It’s ok. I’ve already missed my stop. I’ll accompany you to your stop than I’ll turn back)
Lady: Ya Allah…terima kasih lah. Makcik dah susah hati tadi (Ya Allah…thank you very much. I was very worried earlier)
Me: Tak pe…saya tolong makcik. (Its ok…I’ll help you)
At this point, she was telling me so much about her family back in Terengganu. Blah blah blah…da da da da…and I was just smiling and kept nodding my head.
As we reached University Station both of us disembark. And luckily the son was there waiting for her….pheeew…
We chat for a while and her sons thanked me and hug me for helping his mother. My job is done! It’s time for me to take the train again to go back to my original destination.
On the way back, I kept asking myself what if the lady is my mother. Would there be any Good Samaritan assisting her like I did earlier this morning? I’m sure there are many…it’s the Malaysian culture…(am I bluffing myself? I hope not……)
Moral of the story: You’ll find satisfaction by assisting others in-need…its time well spent…
Have a good day peeps!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Day 1 of blogging...

Salam…hi all…
It was approximately 2 -3 weeks ago I started writing short stories on my FB wall on my day to day experience specifically on what I see thru the naked eyes on board of a LRT train. There are so much stories of life on board the morning train that I love to share with my friends and FB was the medium that I choosed to share the experience.
Amazingly, my posting received a lot of “like’ and comments from friends and family that I didn’t expect at all in the first place. Some prefers to comment on my FB wall and many prefer to remain anonymous by only sending message thru FB inbox. To date; I’ve received 276 messages in total, some were very supportive and some just hate my writing big time!
                                       Yes, I'm fat...I know...

I write because I enjoy writing. It’s a self-satisfaction that if my writing can make people laugh. I’m not trying to please everyone because I’m not seeking popularity.
I write about life….life “As I see it….”

Saturday, 16 February 2013

My train ride - Part 14

Salam…hi all…Happy Friday! Day of all Days!

Tok Selampit is late today…took my own sweet time. My appointment rescheduled to 3.15pm and that gives me the opportunity to perform Friday prayer with my son. :-)
Family from Johor came to KL yesterday. Earlier this morning they called and invited us for breakfast at Nasi Lemak Mak Wanjor in Kampung Baru. I had Nasi Lemak with sotong and telur. Extra sambal! Mak oi…happening!

Remember what I said in my earlier posting? Never
say no to free food! Rezeki!

So, today I took the 2.50pm train. It’s full! But from the way they dress; I doubt these people are going to work and most get off at KLCC. What is going on in KLCC that I’m not aware off? PC Fair? Is there a good movie playing on screen now? Isetan or Parkson sale? Lucky sods! Here I am rushing to meet someone to seek a consulting work…sigh…

Oh well…

It has been 2 weeks since I started writing short stories on my FB wall. Yesterday alone I received 91 messages and to date; I have received 187 messages thru FB inbox! These are the readers that prefer not to post any comment. I guess they just enjoy reading it. 99 % were very supportive and only 1% condemn and hate my writing for some reasons that they prefer to keep it to themselves. Everybody have the rights to their own opinion and I don’t intend to please everyone coz I’m not seeking popularity.

187 messages! Wow…a shocker! I didn’t realize that there were so many people reading my writing. It feels good thou; proud to be honest. And yesterday a good friend sends a message thru whatsapp. She is really pushing me to start a blog. Another friend suggested to me to write about politics! Huh!? Politics?! Hell no! We’ve been fed enough with politic stories on TV, internet and newspaper on a daily basis and I don’t think we need more of it… do we?

FYI, a few messages from female FB friends requested my opinion on sexual harassment, on birth control, abortion, elope, drug and child abuse. There were also some friends seeking my opinion about Islam and religion in general! For real? I’m no Ustaz lah…

Do I look like Azhar Idrus or Fadhillah Kamsah to you? (I’m better looking obviously...LOL!) My knowledge on religion is not even 1% of Azhar Idrus! Religion is something way to sensitive to write. Without good knowledge I may feed you with misleading information. So, let me just stick to writing about life in general…ok?

Btw, I saw a young teenage boy helping a blind lady crossing the road earlier at the station. How nice…His parents have thought him well...

And talking about manners; the society now are a bit lost on mannerism don’t you think?

Take the train station for example. Announcement made repeatedly over the PA that to allow the arriving passengers to disembark before we board. But nooooo….everyone rushes in when the door opens! Is this the culture of Malaysian? Who should we blame? Parents? Teachers?

I strongly believe that education begins at home. Manners are something to be thought by the parents. We can’t just dump everything on the teachers head. For a start; let’s teach our kids to say “thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”, “I’m sorry” of which these are the very basic in our day to day life…

Moral of the story: Parents must lead by example….

Have a good weekend peeps!

Posted on FB Feb 15th, 2013
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My train ride - Part 13

Salam…hi all…Tok Selampit in action! Pump-up to write!

A fairly empty train yet again today…weird but true; I kind of missed the usual crowded morning rush hour train but I guess most people are still in holiday mood.

I managed to get a sit obviously and there sits a young couple opposite of me. They are probably in their early 20’s and were very busy talking.

The girl ...
was pestering or more like demanding a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner! And the boy kept changing the subject…I can see that she’s getting upset. The conversation is getting nowhere and they reached their stop. Off they went…

What is Valentine’s Day? It has been made known to the Muslim community in Malaysia that celebrating Valentine’s Day is “haram” (Forbidden). I don’t blame the “Ulama” (Religious Scholar) for making such stand. If you know the actual/true story of Valentine’s Day and why the western people celebrate this day; you will probably agree with me (do your research please). It’s definitely not for the Muslim. Not the Muslim culture. However it’s not wrong for the non-Muslim to celebrate. We have no rights to stop them. We have no rights to tell them what’s wrong and what’s right. We must respect other religion and cultures.

Muslim community are not so conservative. There are a few western cultures that we adopt; for example Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Women’s Day etc etc. These proved that not all western culture are not suitable for the Muslim community. Take the good ones and put aside the ones that go against our belief. It’s simple actually…let’s not complicate matters.

So what is the Muslim culture than? Do we have to wait for such “keramat” (Sacred) date of February 14th to go out for a romantic dinner or to buy a bouquet of roses or gifts for our love ones?

This reminds me of the day (16 years ago!) before I sign my life away or in other words; the day I got married! And yes…I’m married (need to remind myself over and over again sometimes…LOL!)

I told my wife that:-

1. I’m not a romantic person
2. I won’t buy you flowers
3. I’ll take you out for dinner; birthday and anniversary. The rest; impromptu.
4. I won’t hold your hands when we cross the road or while walking in a mall
5. I’ll give you money for you to shop however there will be time that we’ll go separate ways
6. There will also be time that you’ll walk on your own in the shopping mall coz I prefer to sit somewhere to have my coffee. Once you done, you know where to find me

Cruel? To some; yes. To me; well…the method works! We are still together after 16 years of marriage. Hopefully we’ll still be together for many more years to come…

Here’s my reasoning; why should I do something for my wife if I can’t be sure that I’ll be consistent with all my actions for the next many years to come? If I hold her hands while crossing the road or walking in the mall during the 1st year of our marriage; will I be doing the same after 10 years of marriage? If I buy her a bouquet of roses for our wedding anniversary; will I still be able to do same without fail every year?

I’ve seen many married couples failed to remain consistent. Year 1 to year 3; all wonderful, lovey dovey, holding hands etc etc…come year 4 with 2 kids...the hubby walks upfront, the wife waaaay behind struggling to handle everything on her own. Agree with me? Come on…don’t try to bluff yourself…the truth hurts…LOL! Men will always be Men!

Expectation is a mother of all disappointments! You give flowers this year, she’ll expect the same bouquet or bigger! And when she is disappointed coz her expectation was not met: you are in big trouble my friend…

So, in order to remain relevant and consistent to the eyes of your wife; you better pre-empt all your moves. I am very much an impromptu/spontaneous person. I’ll take my wife for dinner for no apparent reason coz I don’t need any to spend time with her. I’ll buy her things when I have the money and not for any specific occasion. But that’s me…your method could be better than mine..

Alhamdulillah…I managed to remain relevant and consistent for the past 16 years. It was never easy. We went thru ups and downs together.

Am I a good hubby? Hell no! A naughty hubby I am… LOL!

But she was there…all the time thru thick and thin…I’ve got nothing when we got married. I became somebody thru out the process and earning big bucks. And now, I’m back to nothing…and she didn’t run away….

To my wife; thank you for loving me and accepting me for who I am…I’m blessed to have you as my partner in crime with the two wonderful children you have given me and hopefully for many years to come… insyallah…

Moral of the story: A ‘keramat’/sacred date are not needed for you to show your love and your appreciation to someone…

Have a good day peeps!

Posted on FB Feb 14th, 2013

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My train ride - Part 12

Salam…hi all...Tok Selampit is back on the train! Yeeehaaa…!!!

There were hardly 10 – 15 people on board. As usual I prefer to be at the back so I can have a better view of the entire train.
The all guys on board (my luck!) looks very drown, tired, no mood to smile, no mood to talk faces…almost everyone were busy playing with their phones…looks like nothing interesting on board today….sigh…

The CNY break was a great break after all. Time was well spent with families and friends. It is something that I really enjoyed the most to be honest. I get to play badminton with my 2 kids every evening for 4 days straight! Good exercise but did that help me to lose weight? Naaah….not even 100gm of fats!

I received a call from a dear friend (more like a brother to me) on Saturday morning.

Friend: Salam bro. You free later for a cup of tea (English accent)

Me: Salam bro. Yeah sure. What time and where? (Melayu/American accent)

Friend: Say 3’ish at KLCC. There’s a new café. And it’s Harrods! They serve damn good scones!

Me: (Typical British educate! Scones! Not goreng pisang, kaswi or lepat ubi!) Oh! There’s Harrods café in KLCC? I didn’t know. Ok…I’ll see you later. But you are buying right? (Thick face me!)

Friend: Yup I’m buying…in celebration of CNY lah….

Me: Ok lah…won’t say no to free food.

Friend: Bring along your family. The kids will love the food there.

Me: (My son will be smiling from ear to ear for sure!) Ok bro see you later.

End of conversation and immediately I told my kids; “ok guys, get ready for free food at Harrods café!” And of course; the ones that jumping for joy is my “guni rice sack” son! This boy can eat! A lot!

And here we are in the train to KLCC. The kids love the train too! Just like the father….hmmmm…I must have influenced them too much!

For some weird reasons; my son hates the idea of me standing near the door. He’s got this idea that if the door suddenly opens by accident, I’ll be flung out of the train! Creative thinking? Safety precaution? Or too much watching action packed movie and video games?

We got there at 3.15 and ordered lots of food. And my friend was right; the scones were really really good! We talked and eat and had coffee and tea from 1 cup to another and it was a good-quality time spent.

Moral of the story: Never say no to free food! And spend your time wisely especially with your love ones coz you’ll never know when will the almighty ‘take them away’ from you….

Have a good day peeps!

Posted on FB Feb 13th, 2013

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Friday, 15 February 2013

Tok Selampit kata...4

Salam/selamat pagi/morning

Tok Selampit kata:

Hari ini Tok Selampit KO! Alarm clock 5.50am dah bunyi tapi Tok Selampit tak larat nak bangun..migraine luarbiasa pagi tadi. Terlebih kopi? Terlebih rokok? Terlalu banyak berfikir? Banyak probability...

Moral of the story: will power masih belum sampai tahap yang kukuh untuk berhenti rokok...nak try rokok electronic lah..(Tapi mahal sangat lah pulak...)

Posted on FB Feb 12th, 2013

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Tok Selampit kata...3

Salam/selamat pagi/morning

Tok Selampit kata:-

Belajar lah ilmu Allah sehingga ke akhir hayat, dalami lah ia, selami lah ia dan fahami lah ilmu yang satu itu. Setelah yakin dengan diri sendiri; berkongsi lah ilmu itu dengan keluarga, sahabat handai, jiran2 kita dan juga kepada orang2 yang bukan beragama Islam. Usaha kita akan di berkati yang maha Esa.

Islam ialah perpaduan bukan memecah belah. ...
Islam bukan extremist. Islam itu lembut. Islam tidak memaksa. Islam itu indah...

Kita renung renung kan ye...

Tok Selampit pinjam kata2 Imam masjid waktu kuliah subuh...

*Besok nak pelawa Pak Imam pekena roti canai banjir (nak ke dia?)...sambil makan boleh lah cari ilmu... :-)

Nak share; sila kan...tak nak share; tak pe...Tok Selampit baru makan capati dan kopi 'o'...perut kenyang; hati senang...alhamdulillah..

Mood: Sannnntaiiii... :-)

Moral of the story: Ilmu di kongsi...jangan kedekut ya.... :-)
Posted on FB Feb 11th, 2013
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Tok Selampit kata...2

Salam/selamat pagi/morning

Tok Selampit kata:-

Seseorang anak yang dapat menjalan kan kewajipan nya menjaga/membela ibubapa nya yang sakit dengan hati yg ikhlas sehingga ibubapa mereka itu memejamkan mata; mereka lah diantara umat Muhammad yang akan digugurkan semua dosa-dosa kecil kecuali dosa besar. Segala kebaikan/tenaga/wang yg di curah kan kepada ibubapa yang sakit di ibarat kan 'saham akhir
at' untuk si anak.

Bohong...bukan Tok Selampit yg kata..ini petikan kata2 Pak Imam waktu kuliah subuh...

Hari ini tak kena 'belasah'....hari ni Pak Imam cool sangat...gelak2 lagi..

Semalam Pak Imam tidur lena agak nya...hari ini dia..sannnntaaaiii..

Kalau nak share; sila kan...kalau tak nak; tak pe...

Tok Selampit pun cool hari ni... :-)
Posted on FB Feb 10th, 2013
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Tok Selampit kata...1

Salam/selamat pagi/morning...

Tok Selampit kata:-

1. Sebelum makan baca bismillah/bersyukur pada yg maha esa kerana rezeki di depan mata untuk di nikmati.

2. Sebelum mengajar/mendidik orang lain; cari ilmu dan didik lah diri sendiri dulu

3. Sebelum menegur orang lain; tegur lah diri sendiri dulu
4. Sebelum melabel orang lain; lihat lah diri sendiri di cermin dulu

5. Sebelum menegur anak suruh solat; si ayah dan ibu kena lah solat dulu

Tok Selampit pinjam kata2 imam masjid kementah...pak imam dah 'belasah' yg datang kuliah subuh pagi tadi...pedas tapi tepat dan bernas...benar tapi menyakit kan...

Kalau tak sakit; tak belajar..

Sabaaar je lah...steady lah pak imam.. :-)

Nak share; sila kan...tak nak; tak pe... :-)
Posted on FB Feb 9th, 2013
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My train ride - Part 11

Salam…hi all…

Tok Selampit is back but walking slowly to the train station from the parking lot. My back is killing me. Lifting a semi-paralyse person at least 3 to 4 times a week is no cup of tea. It’s a pain but it is what it is. Someone has to do the job and he is my father so I can’t say no…

Can he be normal again like before? Can he walk or stand like a normal man? Fr
om the eyes of a Doctor; No! So, just let the almighty do his job…


The train was full today. Most people decide to take train probably because of its raining in KL. It’s still raining now. And typical KL traffic; every time it’s raining the traffic goes to a standstill! Gridlock! And from Damai station I can see clearly the exit to Jalan Tun Razak. It’s bad…it’s really bad. To those of you planning to come to KL; my 2 cents…stay away! Go to Putrajaya! There are no cars there. You can roll over on the road and you’ll never get hit!

I’m not in the mood to write today…to be honest. The pain in my back is really bothering me…all the way from my hip to my left shoulder.

So, today it’s time to chill….

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you Happy Chinese New Year...Gong Xi Fa Cai. Have a great celebration with the family and friends. And to those planning to drive back to their “kampong halaman”; drive safe. If you intend to speed; don’t do 120km/per hour…do 180km per hour just for the heck of it…feel the breeze and no a/cond needed…just call the ambulance ahead of your schedule to go on stand-by coz you may need their services…. :-)

Moral of the story: Know your limits!

Have a good break peeps!

Posted on FB Feb 8th, 2013

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My train ride - Part 10

Salam…hi all…

Tok Selampit is back! Yesterday’s posting has given me more courage to continue writing on what I see and what I feel or to sum it up; writing about life….

I took the 0930hrs train from Damai to Sentral and it was empty again today. The only logical explanation to this situation is; most people are taking advantage on the long break due to CNY. Saturday to ne
xt week Tuesday is a four days paid holiday! Yippee! Unfortunately those who work with the service and manufacturing industry or to be exact on shift duty; won’t be able to enjoy this break. Service/operation must go on and machine must continue producing to meet output targets…oh well…it’s definitely not easy to earn an honest living. I salute you guys!

This reminds me of my days in the airline need to mention which airline that I used to work for... :-)

Every holiday season be it CNY, Deepavali, X’Mas, Hari Raya Aidil Fitri/Adha we’ll faced the same problem all over again. Leave application!

Aaarrrggh…Should I approve their leave application or not?

Usually, a month before the holiday season; the administrators will be very busy. The 2 administrators or the busy bee; better known as Kak Zai and Kak Mas to most staffs are the pillars of the department. They were the ones that will assist me to get the backhouse in order and if it’s in the army these 2 administrators will be rank Sargent Major! They get things organize. Without them I will never understand the filing system…LOL! These 2 will sit in-front of me with a pile of leave form applications from all stations and start pestering me: “Boss…bila nak approve ni?” “Staff dah bising”..Zai and Mas favourite questions! Want to know why? Because their application is in the pile too! Smart!

KLIA staffs will always be the ‘champion’ on leave application…the majority! And guess what? The Station Managers are the biggest culprit coz they know the trick and trade of the business too well…

And here I am with the usual predicament…if I approve it than we’ll have short of manpower. You think the top brass care? They don’t! Operation must continue. You don’t have enough manpower? You sort it out! LOL!

So, if I don’t approve it than these people will make a lot of noise of which they are entitle for their leave…hmmm…headache! Stress!

What do I do then? This is the time that I normally seek help from my 3 best Lieutenants (Ahmad Ismail or better known as Ahmad I, Shamsul Idrus or better known as Rabbit or Bit and Azman Hanafiah or better known as Man Tegak) to sit with me to look at the roster. Let’s play around with the manpower we have so that everyone will be happy…and we normally sort out the problems…pheeew..Thanks to the 3 Lieutenants…

But during this process; it’s really funny to read what the staff had written on the leave form. Weird but true; there is one question on the leave form that the staff must respond of which I honestly think it’s unnecessary to ask in the first place. But its HR policy and I’m not at liberty to question the HR guys. Can i?

The question is: Reason for leave application? Hello…like the staff going to tell me the truth? I don’t think so…

The respond can be very funny thou…here’s an example:-

1.My parents moving house. (Really? During Raya your parents moving house?)

2.Rumah parents masuk air banjir (The leave application is for next month! How in the world you can predict this a month ahead?)

3.My youngest sister is getting married (But in your personal file, you are the youngest in the family? So, this sister of yours is from which planet?)

And also during this process; all of a sudden my health, well-being, my livelihood becomes the staffs greatest concerned. They will go to great length trying to ‘kowtow’/ be nice to me to ensure that their application goes thru. Here’s an example:-

1.Dah makan boss?
2.Boss sihat?
3.Have a good weekend ya boss….
4.Boss nak makan? Saya beli kan…nak tak?

So so fake but yet so so funny…LOL! As if i was born yesterday..

You see what I mean? You ask ridiculous question, you’ll get ridiculous answer.

Desperate people will manoeuvre their way to get things done. Be it the smartest way or the most illogical reasoning/method ever!

But one thing for sure; it was a pleasant memories with the staffs…we went thru ups and downs together as one force. And for that; thank you all for the lovely memories. I’m honoured to had the chance working alongside with you fine people. How I wish I can turn back time and do it all over again with you guys.

Moral of the story: Good memories never die…

This posting is in memory of Ahmad Zunaini or better known as Ahmad Z. He died of cancer. He was one of best my staff I have ever work with. But above all; he was a good friend…

Ahmad Z; you’ll always be remembered….al-fatihah…

Posted on FB Feb 7th, 2013

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Phone calls received: 3 (one cried over phone...)